Internet outage in the Byron Bay region. Recorded today's episode. Kids at home playing board games!

Mar 09, 2022

The four primary systems that must be in place for a business to be successful coming to you on record because right now in the Northern Rivers where I live, there is a serious internet outage.

There is an ongoing flood situation the rain has stopped, which is extremely helpful but schools are closed the road from the Gold Coast that brings all the freight has been closed for last three days, this has meant that the supermarkets are now bare, like literally bare, there is nothing that you can buy the petrol stations, the gas stations have run out of petrol.

So we are in a strange place.

And the good news is that the fright is now open.

Apparently, it'll be here tomorrow, it's going to be okay.

But it's a little touch a little taste of how dependent My lifestyle is on the systems working, that these vast systems that provide petrol that provides food that provides internet, to my life to your life to all of our lives, actually strained at times.

And certainly the amount of flooding that we've had here in Australia over the last couple of days, it's been pretty impressive.

Luckily, my particular property is not too close to a river.

And while there has been a lot of water, none of the local people have been damaged but do not have to go far before you start running into plenty of people that have had major flood damage like houses destroyed, they got weeks of recovery yet.

So these more extreme weather events are becoming, unfortunately, more frequent, it seems an age ago, but it was only what two years ago that Australia was bone dry and burning to the ground.

There was smoke in the air, there was the hot like on behalf of New South Wales and probably a bit of exaggeration, but huge chunks of New South Wales were on fire.

That was literally January 2020.

It is currently the second of March 2022.

So just two years ago, the whole place was on fire.

Now Australia, flooding is an interesting place to live.

Of course, in between that we had the little COVID situation.

But what has been interesting is that people are definitely far less concerned about COVID than making sure that there's food and that there's petrol and there's the internet of it to be able to function.

So difficult times.

But let's talk about business.

And this is going to be an interesting subject.

Because we have seen a lot of difficulties to business like all of these disruptions, whether it's been fire or flood or COVID, or war, or whatever the disruptions are, makes it harder for businesses to operate.

And despite what many think it is not just the printing of money that enables an advanced Western society to work, it actually requires people to do some work to do some, some production of things.

And this is where the value is.

And then that money is exchanged for the value.

But if there's no value produced, because everyone's just printing money, and nothing's getting done, then we will have rampant inflation.

This makes it harder for businesses, this makes it harder to function on that hand.

So we must be good at running businesses.

And there are four primary systems that any business must-have.

And to analyze this, I thought we would talk through the discussion of a customer coming into your business.

So first of all, they've got to find out about you somehow now whether that's word of mouth, whether that's social media, whether that's paid ads, to you, even whether it's a podcast or a YouTube or some way they find out that your business exists, your business actually has a function and they like you know what, I've got that problem, I'm going to go and get that dealt with.

So then into some kind of sales mechanism for your business, whether that's talking to them, whether that's going through a series of videos, whether that's attending a webinar, whether that is some other way where they work out, whether you're the match for them, you work out whether they're a match for you, and if you are then there's an offer on the table and you exchange funds you give they give you the money you give them whatever you're offering to solve in making their life better happy days.

So we've got advertising, we've got sales, and then the last part is fulfillment, which is actually providing that offer actually pre-meeting whatever they that you said that you would do in exchange for their money.

And so you've got to deliver on this and this sometimes it's done very well sometimes Once this is done not so well.

But without all three of those, you're going to struggle, you're going to need people to find out about your business.

So advertising for leads, then they're going to have to say, yes, I want that.

So that would be sales or conversion.

And then finally fulfillment actually giving them products.

But you remember I said there were four systems? So what's this fourth system? Does that sound like we've got everything covered? We've got ads, we've got sales, we've got fulfillment.

But I want to let you know that is an extremely important fourth system that a customer does not directly see.

But it impacts them throughout their entire journey from AD to sales to fulfillment.

And that is marketing.

Marketing, is the working out who that business is going to serve, what problem that person has that business will solve? And what's the offer that they'll provide for them? Those are the three major parts of marketing.

But there is one more part of marketing.

And you're probably familiar with this.

But if you've been in businesses, or there are your stories, Hey, what are these stories? How did you come up with the solution? How did the business find the solutions that they're providing? What are the stories that are going to enable a customer to say, Yes, you are the right match for me?

So these four things that go into marketing, who are you serving? What's the problem? How are you going to solve it with an offer? And what stories have you got these makeup marketing, and then these impact all three of those other areas, they impact your advertising, they impact your sales, and they impact your fulfillment, get this right.

And you will have a consistent journey for a person from seeing your ad to going through your sales experience to get receiving the fulfillment.

If you don't have your marketing done well.

And you or you don't even know that it's important.

It's extremely easy for your ad to not match your sales, your sales, too much of fulfillment.

And this either leave you with poor conversion and poor sales on the front end, or unhappy customers who complain that you promised X but you gave them y and you're like, hey, I gave you y But you promised x and this is a problem.

This is marketing.

This is what marketing is about making sure that you know who you're serving, what their problem is, how you're going to fix it, and what stories you're going to tell for that customer to know that you are the right business for them.

All right, that's all I got for you.

As I said this has been a recording due to the infinite outage that's going on here in the Byron Bay area right now.

But I hope you got a lot of value from today's episode.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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