If you could only have 7 books in business, what would they be?

Mar 12, 2022

Hello, and welcome to today's episode Tom Rolley here for systemio.dev excited to be talking about the most important business books that I have I, I have many, I'm sure you have an extensive collection of books and courses and seminars and all the sorts of things that you've been on looking to increase the profitability of your business, one not taking away your life.

And I was considering this idea of like, well, if all of the books that I had got taken away, which ones would I still be left with? Like, everything else goes except a couple.

How many would you choose? Well, for me, this seven, just seven.

And this essentially has become my go-to library to study these books over and over and over.

And I want to share them with you.

Because you might say, Hey, I already have those.

Yes, they are the best, they are awesome.

Or you might say you know what? I've read them and I don't like him.

And that's cool, too.

But if you don't know about them, then then I'm excited for you to go.

Oh, wow, check these out.

So without further ado, let's jump in and have a look at the top seven business books if everything else was taken away, these are the ones that I would choose.

Well, let's have a look.

Number one, number one straight off the bat 100 million dollar offers by Alex mosey how to make offers so good that people feel stupid saying no, this book, not only is twice the size of every other book that I have, but it is epic.

I mean, this when I first got told about this as told by a buddy of mine, Drew and He was like, check this out.

This book is nuts.

And there is one thing that you want to get in here and that is the value equation.

Now there's a lot more in this book than that.

But that value equation is the secret to ridiculously good office.

So starting off 100 million dollar office.

Where do we go next? Well, let's, let's talk copywriting this book here copywriting secrets by Jim Edwards.

This book is phenomenal.

Like you're not going anywhere without copywriting.

copywriting is essential.

And if you haven't got this book, then you should get it.

It really runs through all of the steps that are required the psychology that's required the specifics of how to do copywriting and the purpose of copywriting.

This book is essential is absolutely essential.

So alright, 100 million dollar office.

Copywriting secrets.

Where do we go next? Well, look, it's a bit of a toss-up, but I'm going to go first of all with expert secrets, the second in the trilogy, foreword by Garrett J. White.

This book documents how to become an expert how to sell the main middle of it is how to build a webinar.

And that webinar is critical.

It runs through how to transform people's mindsets from Hey, I'm stuck to seeing a possibility that opens up for them and how to Jake take them through that journey.

So let's go experts' secrets now the trilogy is made up with the second book.

com secrets now this runs through funnels many of you will be familiar with funnels, it runs through all of the different types of funnels from squeeze pages through to high ticket sales, all of them in there.

This is a go-to book as well.

And then you might be wondering, do we go to the third one? Why not? Why not this one of your traffic secrets because traffic secrets open up how to feel those funnels.

So you've got your webinar done, you know how to write copy, you've got a great offer.

You've built out your funnels now you need to get people to this book here traffic secrets run through how to get people to your business.

So that all is in the art of selling and getting people to your sales experience, then getting them to buy, and then after that, there is a fascinating experience that opens up and that is well what do you do now? What happens next and then this book here? This is the first one that's not related to click funnels.

Never lose a customer again by Joey Coleman.

Now, one of the coolest things about this book is that the previous five books are reduced to one chapter, you know what? Yep, one chapter.

But despite that, which suggests that perhaps it was an oversimplification, from there the rest of the chapters literally are amazing in terms of overcoming buyer's remorse in terms of the experience for your customer to become a raving fan documented systematic journey from once they purchase all the way through to becoming a loyal raving fan.

Never lose a customer again.

So that really takes us through.

Let's have a let's have a review.

So far what we've got before we come to our final book 100 million-dollar offers to get your offer right.

Next up, we had copywriting secrets, Jim Edwards's brilliant book on copywriting.

Next up from there, we jumped into the sales experience with expert secrets, we jumped in with.

com secrets, we jumped in than feeling those with funnels with traffic secrets.

And then finally, when you've made the sales, how to keep your customers and never lose a customer.


Now, all of these books, actually descriptions of systems, are literally systematic business books that describe how to do certain aspects of business, you put them all together, and you have the ability to systematically create vast amounts of money from your profit from your business, never lose a customer again, traffic secrets.

com secrets, expert secrets copywriting secrets in 100 million dollar office.

So that's six books.

But there's one more book, one more book that even if you had all of those are the ones there is a problem that you will continue to hit up against.

And that is the stories that you tell yourself.

Because in business and in life, it's awfully easy to lie to me, I lie to myself.

And then with that, everything fails, nothing works.

And so the book, the last book, the underpinning book, if there was one book behind No, all of these, that was the foundation.

It is this book here.

We live by a code, this is actually one of a set of five books.

You can't buy it at Amazon, you can only get it by going to play a warrior.io If you want to have my affiliate code or just go to wake up warrior.

com If you don't, this book is the difference between knowing what to do and being able to implement.

If you're struggling in business, my strong suggestion is that you acquire all seven of these books.

Read them, study them, understand them, and most of all execute from them.

They hold the keys to businessmen who have executed at extremely high levels, that they are all highly successful businessmen and they have documented their findings documented their systems for you and for me, these are the seven books that you must have.

If you are in business, they lay out everything that needs to be done systematically step by step by step, your only question then becomes will you execute? Will you do what is required in order to create the life that you know is possible that you have been shown in your heart of hearts is a possibility for you in this lifetime? Will it be easy? No.

It is not.

But the path is clear.

For perhaps maybe two or $300 you can acquire the wisdom of businessmen that have documented their journeys documented all of their pain and suffering and laid out what works.

Right, that's all I got for you today.

If you need some help with building systems to execute these books, then head over to systemio.dev or send me a message on the Facebook page.

Thanks so much for tuning in today.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue his journey into the power of systems to create results, see you then.





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