Idle workers?

May 18, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley from systemIO, interesting experience.

So this morning I woke up and my internet was down.

No particular reason can't tell what happened.

But sometime in the nighttime, the connection out to the tower somewhere out in the distance just dropped out.

Not really sure why it happened, what happened, but the implication was that there was about six to eight hours of no internet to my house.

Now, this might not sound like such a big deal.

And particularly through it was nighttime, you're like, Dude, what are you doing, but I have a theory of mining rig.

And obviously crypto has gone bananas and everyone's talking crypto.

But these rigs, if you're not familiar with them, I get that many of you are but if you're not, they need to be connected to the internet.

So the internet drops out.

And suddenly it can't take the data in and out.

And it continues to run.

But with no data, it's not smart enough to say, actually, let's go into low power mode.

While there's no internet, it just keeps running at full speed.

So it's burning up the electricity.

Look, it's not that big a deal compared to the price of Aetherium.

But it does keep running at that thing.

And nothing is being generated.

Basically, I've got an idle worker, an idle Aetherium mining rig.

Now for whatever reason I caught I did call the Internet guys.

I'm like, Hey, can you fix this? They haven't called back but the internet did come back on I do go with some cords.

I don't know what happened whether a cord got loose or whether they fix something out there in the in the in the tower.

Anyway, the thing comes back on and it's back working well.

Now you might think well, how is this? How is this applicable to business? I mean, seriously, a 24/7 theory mining rig versus running a business.

I mean, one is pretty much set and forget as long as the price of ether is higher than the cost of electricity and repayments on the actual hardware ahead.

But what I want you to consider is that you have a bunch of workers in your team, and they're hopefully doing the work of the business.

But every time the equivalent of the internet going out happens, you now have an idle worker.

And the thing about cost electricity, it probably cost me like $1 or two maximum, you know, like let's call it two bucks cost me two bucks to run that.

But if your team is out of action for two hours, and they're on 30 bucks an hour, then that's a $60 cost that you didn't get paid for it all.

And sure they might when they do their work, it's like well, they do $200 Now work like when they work, I'm making $200 Now, but two things.

Number one, your assumption is that they're working at an eight hour day, that may not be happening at all, because every time they get stuck, and they have to come to you and ask what to do, they're now an idle worker, their internet connection, metaphorically has dropped away, and your electricity costs continue.

And until you can get to that worker and sort out that problem, they're going to remain idle.

Now, they might not be idle in their minds, they're Babs going to do their banking or buy something on Amazon or check the news or get a coffee or talk to a co-worker, all of that stuff goes on.

But essentially, they're not earning you $200 Now, and remember that your upfront costs, you know that $200 Now you also have to take all of your fixed costs out of that.

So they might only be making, let's, let's call it 100 bucks an hour.

So if they work three hours, they make 300 And they don't work for five, then that cost you 150 You haven't actually made even 150 bucks, because you've got your fixed costs, you might be breaking even and suddenly your profitability and your capacity to pay payroll, and even your sanity.

Because you haven't sought out all these problems.

And if once you're aware of this, you're like, oh my god, this is costing me a fortune in order to actually run this thing.

How do I get these people working again? So your thought is right, I'm going to solve their problem.

Let me solve this problem.

Let me solve this problem.

But what I want you to think about is a change in your mindset, that there is a difference between solving the problem that they're coming to you with and, and going to the actual reason or the cause why that happened.

What are you going to fix, you can invest maybe the same amount of time, perhaps it takes more time to go to hey, whatever caused this, but once it's done, it's fixed.

It's not going to show up again, it doesn't show up in three days or seven days for you to deal with again and again.

In and again, rather you're like, Okay, let me sort this out once and for all.

This is where your systems and processes come into play, you could at least actually go to the system documentation and say, Well, how did this happen? You like, well, they went to this step, this step and this step, and I followed this.

And then that happened, you're like, Okay, great.

Well, let's fix that.

And if you're even empowering your team, you're like, Well, what, how do you want to fix this, and they might learn to fix their own work, which would be really awesome.

Because now not only are you freed from sorting out their problems once and for all, you're actually empowering them to sort their problems out for you.

So the overall benefit to your business is suddenly you have an asset.

That is the way that you run your business.

If this is something that interests you if used to something that you recognize, you're like, Man, my team, it drives me insane.

And you come to payroll and you wonder what happened? Where did the work go? What actually got done? Then I invite you to head over to the page, pop in an email, put in a name there, go and grab the training.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode tomorrow is continue this journey into the power of efficiency that comes through having your business systematized.

See you then.





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