How to defend against Roblox?

Jan 21, 2022

How to defend against Roblox defending against Roblox like, what am I talking about hit well know how you're going.

But I have an eight year old daughter, and she's awesome to amazing.

But like myself and my boys, we have a very strong calling to the video games now, I actually managed to freak myself out at about 26 years old playing Battlefield 1942 Now this is some old school games.

And many of you may not even know that before there was battlefield 2042 There was battlefield 1942 And I got in a tank and the plane was coming down and and I got into it as in the game so much that I thought I was going to die, which was bizarre, but this also was accompanied by an impressive diction going on.

Like basically, addictions are known to take over people's lives they they they basically become the sole thing and many people have them that typically for for alcohol for drugs, sex porn, various things like this, but it is possible and I'm living testament to it that you can also have a video game addiction.

So my ability to play video games now is extremely limited, it kicks in really quickly, particularly Clash Royale.

That's my particular one but my kids are very interesting that they seem to have it as well.

It's probably the dopamine system.

The rewards that come from the video games trigger off the addiction but my daughter plays Roblox incessantly like there's a lot of robots going on.

So much so that she exhausts the batteries on her phone.

Now you would think given that she has a fine that she would use her phone and charge it up and continue playing.

But that is not her solution.

She has a very interesting solution which is to leave her phone off the charger and then come and find my phone and use it so much so that I have to put defenses like Family Zone now Family Zone is excellent.

But it does require some skills to maintain a strict barrier against Roblox against like you don't it'll block the vast majority of stuff.

It's very, very good.

I don't know whether it's working perfectly on my other son's phones, but no, it's pretty good.

Generally, it blocks a lot of stuff but for whatever reason Roblox has ended up on my phone.

So this means my daughter drains her phone and then drains my phone.

And I'm like on my phone.

She's like, Yeah, cool.

So I'm like, oh, no, that means the battery's dead.

If she's so willing to give it up, then that means the battery is dead.

But tonight, tonight, I want to share with you a little Win-win that I had.

Now, some time ago, I had about 40,000 Qantas frequent fliers and with the COVID pandemic there has not been very much use for frequent flyer points.

So I got this thing over you can see this is kind of like an I don't know, whatever size that is.

It's like a small phone size.

It's called a signet.

5000 milliamp-hour.

And this is the this is literally sat in my drawer for I'm guessing like a year.

And tonight for whatever reason, the phone situation happened again, I'm like, stop this.

I don't want to walk.

I've been doing 75 hearts I want to walk 45 minutes run out of batteries.

Like, listen to audiobooks while I walk actually call my brother, and had a great chat with him.

But this little baby was my defense against Roblox.

Like even though my daughter had essentially drained the phone that between this addition and blue cord, you know, the usual cord around USBC Apple, why don't you go to USBC we can just get on with USBC but this powerful edition, actually made a huge difference and came back home.

My phone is 22% I'm like this is great.

This is great.

So I know to look after this and keep this so even if you're, first of all, let's look at what needs to be done for my phone delete roadblocks.

Secondly, going to work on making families own to prevent the reinstallation of it, and therefore my phone will have limited value.

It does not have any value.

It does not have any value.

Why? Because they watched YouTube.

I'm like, Okay, go block YouTube as well.

But For blocking YouTube, deleting roadblocks, my phone should have very little value.

And even if it does, I got this little baby so I want to share that with you.

It's not much about systems a little bit about systems you know that if you have resources, increased resources, then you can make a system that is otherwise failing, survive again and this might come into your life in that in the ability of more time, more money, more energy, however, you provide more resources and that would enable something that is not working to work again, just like the battery pack and my phone.

Alright, that's all I got for tonight.

Hope you're having a great evening.

I look forward to seeing you next episode.

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