Frustrating 'templates' that are meant to be valuable?

Feb 27, 2022

Frustrating templates that are meant to be valuable.

I want to share a little experience that I'm having.

And that is that I'm building a new webinar.

I'm excited about this webinar.

I'm like, great, this is going to be a great webinar.

I have got both the ultimate webinar blueprint from Frank Kern and expert secrets from Russell Brunson, both of which describe how to run webinars.

But the interesting challenge that I'm finding is that as I go through and look at all of the components that are required for a webinar, I'm finding that there are all sorts of gaps that are missing from the templates.

Now, you probably have downloaded templates, either for free, or you've actually paid for them.

And my experience has been that sometimes they're pretty good, but often, they're just frustrating.

One time I bought this, it was like, how to delegate to your virtual assistants.

And I was like, great.

And what came was just like five or six Word documents, and I was like, Damn, you know, I paid like, close to $400, for a bunch of Word documents, they hadn't even been split up into being useful.

They were just like, these long lists of things.

I'm like, man, you know, I like its kind of annoying.

And I get that a lot of effort went into the front end to the ads and to the sales experience, but very little went into the product yourself, or the follow-up customer experience.

It's like, the unfortunate thing is, I will not want to buy from them again.

Like even if the product itself had been the same, they put a bit more effort into Hey, how to how to use these how to get the most value out of these, but none of that was there.

It's like, okay, this is, this is an interesting experience.

But this is a good episode of what not to do.

But that was the purchase of templates.

Coming back to the webinar.

I mean, between the two that I have you think that everything's covered, but it's quite challenging to go along and go, Okay, hang on.

So if I'm going to have a, let's, let's take the thank you page, after you sign up and say, hey, I want to be on this webinar, there's a thank you page.

Now that thank you page has a video.

And that video then needs a script, and you need the text for the page and the video script, that video needs to be recorded.

And then there's also a confirmation email that needs to go out.

And then let's say the next day, you want to make a video to warm people up for the webinar, and then that needs an email that needs a video that needs a page.

And then on the day of the webinar, there are emails that remind people to show up, let alone the webinar itself.

A lot of people get all excited about a webinar, and they're like, Great, I'm going to build a webinar.

I've got all the frameworks for the webinar, but they forget everything else that is required.

Not just the webinar, the webinar software, and the lead in but also what happens after you go to run a replay? Are you going to have some videos that support people with questions after the webinar? Is there going to be a closed sequence? Is there already a checkout page a thank you page? How about the stripe or the payment processor has that been tested? The ads that lead into the webinar, the emails that go out to your customers, like all of this stuff, requires templates.

And so when I break it down and actually look at how many moving parts, there are, like even just getting clear on everything that has to be done is a first step in a right direction to say, okay, cool.

I'm going to have all of these documents built out all of these plans built out.

But then I ran into the next one, which is the templates themselves are often not that great.

It's like okay, who Why isn't this consistent? Why doesn't this template match that template when the email for the video has to line up? And they don't just like, Okay, wow, we got some serious challenges here in terms of being able to execute cleanly because when people most likely try without even thinking too much about this, they're going to get stuck over and over and over and over.

And that means demoralizing experience, because once they get the webinar slides done, and then they're like, Oh wow, I've got Come up with pages, and then they need videos.

And then all of that webinar falls away doesn't get practice, they might get through all of those recordings.

But that might take weeks, and then they come back and they're forgotten about the webinar slides.

And the whole thing is slow, is at high risk of inconsistency at high risk have never been completed at all.

And ultimately leads to frustration, and demoralization, and people giving up and letting go of their dreams.

And then they look to the people pulling it off.

And they're like, Wow, they did it.

How did they do that.

And they fail to see the teams behind them that take care of all of these moving pieces.

And that's certainly one way that it can be done.

It's like, Okay, have a bunch of people to cover all the holes.

Or you could just get clear on everything that needs to be done in the beginning, and build it out consistently.

And then deploy effectively, and go live in two weeks instead of 20.

Or more likely, never at all.

Alright, I'm excited for this stuff.

Because once the work gets done, then it's possible to share that with you and say, Hey, if you want to build a webinar, if you want to build a product launch, if you want to do a challenge experience, if you want to build a book funnel, if you want to have a high ticket application, if you want to have a customer experience for when people buy, all of these things have been built out.

So everything is covered.

Everything there's not the experience of finding out that you're missing the video scripts, you missing the emails, you're missing the checkout page, you're missing, missing, missing bits that drive people insane and lead them to give up.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you got some value out of it.

And I am excited for where this is going.

I hope you can see the potential here that He wants all of the things that are covered then it's just a matter of subbing in the blanks, and bringing through a first draft of everything that is required to do whatever you need to do in business.

Thanks for tuning in today.

Look forward to seeing the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems create results.

See you then.





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