Fruits begin to appear.

Apr 26, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me today.

What is interesting is that I have noticed a trend that is beginning, that starts from work that I did three weeks ago.

And that is that the systems that I put in place around a single Facebook Live done each day is beginning to expand its marketing reach.

Now, don't get me wrong, like it’s early days, and there's still quite a bit that is not done.

And I have done that on purpose.

You will notice right now there is no Instagram feed, there is not even a YouTube feed.

What there is, is a daily Facebook Live, discussing the challenges of systematization standard operating procedures, and how to run a team in a business that's either growing fast or has many moving parts and the complexities that will arise if you get the order wrong.

And Coralie the opposite to that, which is that if you get the order, right, you can actually do significantly more, with significantly less manpower, which is good for one thing, Prophet, as listened to a call recently, and it was mentioned that businesses are about two things, one impact on people, like does the business does your business? Does my business impact people do actually make a difference in the world? And secondly, profit.

It doesn't matter whether you have 50 staff or two staff, the if you are meeting those two criteria, one there's an impact on people and two, it's profitable, well, hey, you might actually be doing better than a lot of businesses that either doesn’t impact people or secondly aren't profitable.

Even if they are media darlings.

Uber, even Tesla, I don't know, when are you guys going to turn a profit? Like that's the point of business.

And I know that people are looking forward to the future and saying, Well, they're going to be profitable.

But the problem is that if they're not profitable now like that's a lot of effort, a lot of things have to change in order to get that happening.

What about if it was possible to put a system in from the beginning or right now, that actually makes you profitable today? Oh, guess what, there's a book written about that.

But if you can't take that book and take out the ideas and make them into systems and processes that your people use, then you may as well not read that book.

And so this has been an adventure that I've been on.

And it's exciting because the fruits of systematization are beginning to show.

Like when I look at my Facebook feed over the last couple of days, suddenly this quote, cards have appeared.

And these quotes came out of work that was done in the gap between Facebook Live and the publishing of this quote card.

It's not much I get it.

But it is a strategy that is being shown to work.

And the next question mark is can it continue? And you'll be able to see this, you're able to look and say, hey, look, are there quote cards coming out on a consistent basis? On System AIOs? Facebook page? Because if they are, guess what that means, means that the systems that are in place are actually working.

And look, we're not perfect, not going for perfection, but I am going for consistency.

And that is where there is a problem.

In an absence of a quote card showing up.

It's like well, no show car knows, QUOTE CARD showed up that day.

What's going on? So okay, well, what happened here? We've got a system that was working, what went wrong? Did somebody not follow the instructions? Did they get sick? Did it get missed? Get it get dropped? Like? These are important questions to answer.

Because if the system is working, it will have a defined outcome.

One of the outcomes from the advertising systems that I've created is that there should be three Facebook quotes appearing each day.

And it is from Facebook lives that was done two weeks before.

So there's quite a lot of moving parts here.

It sounds really easy.

You do the Facebook Live 510 minutes a day.

And suddenly, magically, all of these advertising assets appear.

Like you can read about it.

It's quite a well-known strategy.

The actual implementation Who now you're talking about something that reveals whether people truly do have their systems and processes on point.

Because it's easy enough to do for one week, two weeks.

But as the stress and strain of life come on, and more things happen, those systems that aren't really watertight start to break.

And suddenly there are gaps that appear.

It's like, oh, okay, what happened there, let me give you a couple of examples, I literally had to change the system that I had, which was like every day, go ahead and extract out the Facebook Live and turn into quote cards and post it because it was too stressful to make sure that it happened every day like there wasn't a lot of safety net, it's like being up on a tightrope with no net.

And instead, it's like, Alright, hang on, hang on, this is dangerous.

This is going to reveal a system that has no safety net, no capacity to deal with the challenges of life that get a system built for perfection, like a perfect life.

And I don't know about you, but that's not what's going on, at least in my life.

And when I look out in the world, I see a fairly chaotic world, one that needs to have systems with safety nets in them in order to be able to cope with the stresses and difficulties that life presents.

And so the first step was to go, Okay, let's stop that.

And let's batch these things.

Let's look at waiting until Monday and pulling all of the Facebook last week out.

And then working on those.

And we've got the whole week to get them done.

And if I really wanted a significant safety net, I could even bump it out a further week, just in case, there were things that happened.

And that may happen in time be like, Okay, well, you know what, let's just repeat a week from the past or pick out our best winning quote cards.

And we'll use those to buy some time and actually have a two-week gap instead of a one-week gap.

But remember this already, that first week, like the month, two days one will not be extracted out until next Monday, and then the week goes past and so it won't be posted again for two weeks.

So be nice to have that three-week gap just in case, just in case something happens.

But might now my systems could actually handle that.

It's like okay, for this one week, let's buy ourselves a week, let's just reuse content from the past that we haven't seen for a while.

And we'll get ourselves out for one week, from a Facebook Live to extraction in two weeks, in terms of getting it through.

And that just gives us a safety net.

That gives us a buffer to recover.

We're not fighting right on the edge of time in order to get things done.

But you can see that this system of extraction of Facebook lives on a Monday and then batch processing them for the week to get them ready for the week after is a far more safe option.

It's got far more safety in it in case someone gets sick, someone gets COVID.

And they're like I'm out for four days, or where are you on the boards? Okay, great.

We can pick it up, let's redeploy some resources, some people to cover where that work wasn't being done.

And so it is very obvious.

When you look at a business, whether they have their systems and processes on point, like you can see from the consistency of their production as listening to training by Garrett J white, and He spoke of someone needing leads needing sales right now, because the payrolls come in, like got no cash.

And they're like, right, I'm going to show up at an eight out of 10 or a 10 out of 10.

And then I'm going to go again tomorrow at eight out of 10.

And then it starts to drop to a five and then two or three and then to a two and this leads coming in so that the effort on the Facebook Lives drops as the leads come in, and then they start to go gene does nothing, nothing and there's a week of nothing.

There are 10 days of nothing, there are three weeks of nothing.

And I'm a big fan of a theory called the hologram theory.

It says that how you do one thing is how you do everything.

If you are systematic in your advertising, then it's highly likely you'll be systematic in your marketing and your sales and your fulfillments and your people your accounting, and your taxes.

And it's again not a game of perfection but it's like slowly working on a system that improves in time.

Then we can continually improve towards awesome towards great so that's the question.

When you look at your business, how are your systems, how are your processes? Particularly if you've been able to get to a good place you like, wow, I'm succeeding.

Know that it gets harder I know that it gets more difficult after 1 million in revenue after 567 People in teams, you are going to need to get this stuff on point.

All right.

If you want some help with that, head over to System IO dot there, pop in your name, pop in your email address, grab the training there.

Thanks for tuning in today.

Look forward to seeing you on another episode tomorrow, as we continue to examine this very interesting conversation of business success through systems and processes.





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