Fast beats free but I still chose to fix the washing machine? 🤔

Mar 01, 2022

Fast beats free.

But I still chose to fix the washing machine.

Welcome to today's episode or tonight's episode, I have just spent the last two hours fixing my washing machine.

This is not a job that I like, it's certainly not a job that I love.

But I was faced with the dilemma of an error code 18.

And this was on my boss washing machine, really good front loader love that loves the machine, the thing just gets hammered and continues to deliver.

But I knew this code.

I've dealt with it once before.

And it's not much fun.

It's not much fun.

So I looked and thought, you know, what, how much would it cost to get someone out here, fix that thing.

And I know that's around 300 bucks.

Like you know what, that's totally worth it, then that saves me two hours of time working through this.

I actually also looked at actually buying a new washing machine on my outlets for a new washing machine.

$1,240 for the German-made $890 for the Polish-made Bosch both really nice, exactly the same machines we've got.

I kind of like that feature of finding something and just continuing to use it until it no longer works.

This has been a principle that has served me very well.

So I looked at buying a new washing machine I looked at the repair and yet I chose to fix it myself.

Why? Well, in Alex moseys book He speaks of fast being free, that people will take an Uber instead of walking there, people will pay FedEx instead of United States Postal Service to get it there the next day, fast beats free.

But why did I choose to fix it myself? That's free, right? Well, you know what I'm actually choosing fast.

By doing it myself, I can do it the quickest way you see getting out the appliance repair guy might be two days might be three days, that's three days of no laundry in a family of five, we will be in trouble.

At that point backlogged just a mountain of washing, drying, folding.

Essentially, within five days or three days.

All of our clothes are being used.

And it's like, oh my goodness, what a nightmare.

I've got my wife yelling at me.

And that's why I chose to do it free.

Because sometimes free is fast.

Free is the fastest now it takes skill set.

And this job.

Definitely not an easy one.

There are two springs in these damn washing machines that are hard to get the one that I feel it was easy enough.

I was like, Well, how did I do this last time, I couldn't even work out how I did it last time.

I'm sure that I was doing a different operation than I was doing this time.

A different repair.

But this time the one that I feed was easy.

But the difficult one was the rubber the spring that goes around a lock the rubber seal on very difficult.

And I'm like, Man this is so this is crazy.

And then of course the final putting the thing back together, will it actually work? So far? So good.

I got my first load of washing on at the moment.

So it's a test.

We'll see how it goes.

But what I want you to take from this is fast always wins, fast wins, because the time delay causes further problems.

It doesn't just cause problems in the immediate time.

Yes, the washing machine was not working and therefore the washing can be done.

But then there's that backlog.

And without another way to get that washing done.

Like I was like, Oh no, we're going to have to go to the laundromat to put washing through just so we can catch up like that is that's a lot of effort.

And so the ability to get this fixed, even if it meant me doing the work, instead of paying someone else that was worth it because it was fast.

So I want you to take this and think about if your business where are you slow? And where can you be faster, and be fast and have it work? There's no good being fast and having it all fall over.

Very fast and consistent, fast and accurate.

I'll give you a hint.

One thing that does that is systems.

funny about that.

But if you need help with your systems in head over System IO dot Dev, helping production, help in profit help in protection.

All of those things benefit from systems and processes being on point.

Thanks for tuning into tonight's episode.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

And I hope also that your washing machine continues to work flawlessly.

If you do happen to have that error 18 Little Look it up on the YouTubes it can be done.

I only cut my finger that's the only injury or got about two hours of work.

It may be worth it for you, depending on how many clothes you've got gone through your family.

If you've got a lot, then you just need to find a way to get it done fast.

I look forward to seeing the next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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