Day 2 and the system is hurting me!

Jan 11, 2022

Day two, and the system is hurting me.

So yesterday was the first day of 75 hard this morning I woke up, my legs were just killing me like really sore.

Really, really, really.

So I went for a run yesterday evening and I have been struggling with it.

It's not really plantar fasciitis, some kind of heel splints, if there was such a thing, like if I, if I run, then my feet the next day hurt, like really badly.

And I had some insight from this because I had been doing a lot of stretching on the posterior chain, like all the muscles of the back of the body.

And I went to a massage therapist, he's like, no, no, no, stop, stop working, that it's not that it's the muscles at the side of the blank.

And I'm like, really? Okay, okay, whatever.

But it does seem to help.

It passes, it does pass, but these morning muscles are sore.

Every part of me did not want to do the training session.

But fortunately, my wife had said, Hey, let's train.

And so we had a personal trainer come to the house, one of our friends and she took us through another must be at like close to 5055 minutes.

I don't know how long it was.

It went for a while.

And I got through a training session complete training session one complete, I am now on my third liter of water.

I'm like, Man, that's a lot of water.

I've been adding salt because one of the concerns is hyponatremia or low sodium, where it drinking like a gallon a liter or a gallon of water a day plus all the sweating that's happening from the training sessions that it's possible to deplete sodium.

I don't mind a bit of salt in the water.

And I learned this when I was in Hawaii and I was at ram das his house.

And for whatever reason, they were cutting down avocado trees that day.

And I got to help out with the tree.

Guys, the guys who cut down the trees, not in the tree.

They were not like No dude, you need a whole bunch of training before you're allowed to go up in a tree with a chainsaw.

Am I cool? What can I do? I can lug trees around.

And as we had a break, I was like, man, what's in your water.

It tastes funny.

And they're like, Yeah, we put salt in the water at my arco.

So I'm taking that past experience to drop into this 75 hard but I want to let you know that the system is hurting me.

The first thing to take from all of this is that 75 heart is a system.

And each of the processes of that system are the checklists that go through to complete each day, the first 45 minutes second 45 minutes, read 10 pages not allowed to audio got to read them.

Take a photo, don't be on a diet, no alcohol or cheat meals.

75 days in a row, mark it all off.

Hit Done.

So day two, I'm hurting.

But I have been in these types of challenges before and the people responsible for Wake Up Warrior love this stuff.

One time, they had us 220 days of completing what they call the stack a series of questions.

It's like hey, what's going on? How are you feeling about it? What's the story? What do you want to change in the story? What are you feeling by basically a bunch of questions you go through, but 120 days in a row?

And they're like, you know, there are the streaks are pretty good.

So this is not the first time that I have settled in for daily execution of a bunch of processes.

But this one, this one's feeling challenging this one is for sure.

Feeling challenging.

Today, I have been looking up Hey, what are the rules and I was encouraged to find hate.

The 45 minutes could be a walk, it could be yoga, it could be some lower intensity just to stretch out my body before the next couple of days.

I'm not even able to walk.

That's not okay, I'm doing the crawl, literally crawling along.

But what I want you to see is that there are two results coming out of the 75 hard that I'm immediately aware of number one is daily.

Yes, I completed the system.

And that's one set of results.

It's a set of results where it's like yep, everything got done.

But there is also a longer-term incremental and likely logarithmic improvement that happens over the completion of that system every day, that there's a small improvement that eventually leads to big improvements in days, 69 days, 70 days, 71 days 72 and the improvements in the early stages and not like that.

But typically this is what happens when I continue to execute systems over and over and over happen for you to see It's like compounding interest, except it's about results.

And it happens because of showing up and running a system every day, day, day, day, day that there is a compounding experience out of this.

And this can happen around the topic of body, which is what 75 hearts around.

But it could also happen in other areas of your life.

It can happen around the discussion of spirituality.

When I practice my harmonium every day, I get a whole lot better than if I just show up and practice the day before and then go to the concert.

It can happen around my family, like if I attend family events, either weekly, like date night with my wife, or daily having a small amount of time with my kids checking in, hey, what's going on? What are you guys up to? And then finally, which you're probably interested in is around the business.

And the interesting thing about businesses is that He can start off with small things that can get bigger, what if you try and go straight to big things? It's just not possible will happen? You might get one day, second day, and then and then.

And then and then and then you're like, Oh, my God, and then go, I gotta put in another effort.

And then to and then and this just happened this, this, you've done this.

I've done this.

I'm like, right, a new habit.

We had what day four here in Australia, probably day three for much of the other parts of the world into the new year.

And already there are a lot of people right at that I'm super enthusiastic.

Probably not on day one on New Year's, but they're going to kick it off on day two, second of January, day three, it falls, day four, it's gone.

So what can you do about this? One thing is to link the new habit to an existing habit.

This is a very powerful thing to do in order to actually get the front-end experience done.

Secondly, if you are looking to have downstream results, for instance, taking this Facebook Live that I do daily, and then turning it into other marketing assets, as described in traffic secrets, by Russell Brunson, then batching will serve you very well.

If you're listening to this on the podcast, or you're listening to this on YouTube or on LinkedIn, then this video is likely three weeks old.

And the reason that it's done like that is to allow for the production experience to happen the scheduling to happen.

I tried doing this on the day like record and then the next day we're going to try and extract the video, produce the video produce the quote, cards, schedule, everything, it just doesn't work.

But by batching, every Monday, we can pull the last week's videos.

And then well, it's going on here the gimbal just decided to have a little explosion there.

That's kind of weird.

That's not happened before.

It's got enough batteries.

How strange anyway, so the batching idea.

So you do the front-end video live daily, then on the next Monday, extract out the videos, and we create data cards.

And then the week after happens all the production and the scheduling for a week later.

So what happens today ends up three weeks later being reproduced.

And this requires me to continue to show up daily, show up daily show up daily.

The other benefit for me is that I hopefully keep getting better, more reps on this experience having the ability to come to you guys live speak to you, and speak to the ideas that are happening in my world that I want to share with you so that you can get better at habits but also particularly systems why because systems are running everything in your business.

But your variable execution by yourself and by your teams is leading to variable results that create buyers and take up way more time and chew up all your profit if you're profitable at all.

That's all I got for you today.

I'm excited to complete day two today and then continue on this journey.

I am very excited to see the results that happen in 75 days in my body as evidence of a regular execution of a system every day and what happens from that.

We will have visible results you can look up the before and afters on 75 heart and you will see what happens when people execute a system every day for 75 days around the area and the discussion of body But know that this is possible in other areas and required for major success if you are seeking that in your business.

Alright, that's all I got for you to look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

If you want some help with this head over look forward to seeing you on the next episode.





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