Daily systems are commonly known by what other name?

Jan 14, 2022

Daily systems are known by what other name? Do you know what other name they're known by? You probably do a system that is executed daily, commonly known as habits.

What habits Yeah, habits, you see habits is something I'm going through right now this is my second 45-minute workout for the day.

You might know a name for this system that I'm executing daily.

It's called 75.

Hard day for day four.

And this morning's workout was weak.

But it was all I could do.

It was a double laugh of my laneway.

And with five minutes at the end of stretching, and some downward dog some yoga was good.

This afternoon, or more like tonight when I got home from work, my wife, no, my wife, my daughter, my daughter was like Dad, Dad comes to the pool.

So got in the pool hung out with her had a great time.

And then there was still the 45 minutes second training.

So I just took that out.

Man difficult, difficult.

45 minutes is, is significantly more than I have been putting in over the last two years.

So I've been training twice a week, one-hour sessions with weights, awesome trainer, Felicity lovely, but it's just a lot less than what 75 Hard requires.

Secondly, it also requires diet, no alcohol, 10 pages of reading, and taking a progress photo each day.

So it's it is hard.

It's actually pretty hard.

And as we previously discussed, already have a bunch of reps on hard things, hard daily systems.

So these habits, there's been books written about atomic habits haven't read that one.

But I have been heavily trained by warriors to exist in a world of daily habits, things that get done every day.

So getting my mindset, right, getting my body, right, getting my relationship with my kids with my wife, right, learning more each day doing some study every day, and then going to work and executing.

And they run a very interesting system, they're not out to do 50 things in one day, they're not out to have massive bursts of adrenaline-driven insanity that lead to one day, massive production.

On the second day, I'm fooling away, third day, fourth day, fifth day, I'm on the couch, instead of the sloka.

Let's make it sustainable.

It's going for less.

So, this has served me very well.

It has been a powerful, powerful experience.

But the coal has gone out to level up.

And I'm excited by that.

Because one of the interesting things that I got exposed to a long time ago was through Chinese medicine.

And that is the hologram theory.

I don't know if you know about this, but basically, holograms are super cool.

Like they're literally one of the coolest things I think in the world.

Because what you do is you get a hologram, you cut it in half, and it shows up as the same hologram, like a little bit more blurred.

But essentially the same image shows up so you can cut it again and the image shows up, cut it again image shows up.

And Chinese medical theory has this quite a lot.

So they use tongue diagnosis.

They use stick ATAR I got a little bit of cod.

I got a bulging gallbladder on the side.

So um you know, yeah, no, yeah.

Long-standing liver gallbladder issues for me.

But anyway, the interesting, the interesting thing is that the year shows up like He is the head and there's the spine like limbs spine.

And so that's another hologram getting into palm stuff, feats, you know, reflexology all of this is based on hologram theory.

But whether or not it is true, what I want to bring through is that by working on my body through 75 hard It also should if the holographic theory is correct, to play out in the other areas of my life, so start to level up higher in my Kitaen game, which is my main spiritual practice, my relationship with my kids and my wife should level up and then also my business leveling up.

Now all of this is very exciting.

So it can be done that if how I might also know in hologram theory by another name and that is how you do one thing is how you do everything.

So the idea that I build a system and execute it every day, the coolest thing about us as human beings is that eventually, it starts to habituate.

And It becomes habitual becomes automatic, and I don't have to think so much I just get up at the same time.

And I go and do the answering the questions to get my head straight.

And then I go and read the book.

And then I go and train and then I go and meditate.

And then I go to work and I take out the items that need to be done that day.

And I go, and I go, and I go, there are these daily systems.

75 heart is a daily system.

Warrior, the warrior's way is a daily system.

Many things in life benefit greatly from daily systems, brushing your teeth, daily benefits, your mouth, good hygiene, stretching daily, eating how you eat every day, if you continue to eat doughnuts and coffee for breakfast, then probably your body will get fat.

And then you'll have to go something like 75 hard and don't really hurt.

The craziest thing about 75 hard for me right now is I didn't think I was that bad.

And I'm like, Oh, wow, talk about exposed Yeah, I am not in great physical condition.

And two sessions a week at the gym just isn't enough.

But stepping it up and getting back into peak physical condition.

After this 75 day is done, guess what I can drop back and maintain a new level so that leveling up experience will typically usually some would say always require an expansion of who I'm being like a, I knew Tom has to come through in order to pull this off.

I've never done 75 hearts before.

At the end of this having done it, I'll be like, Ah, cool.

Okay, I am now a new human being there is a new version of me that has completed this difficulty.

And so this gets into I got a couple of books coming.

I'm really excited about these ones.

One is the obstacle is the way and there's three books in that.

And then the second one is the way of men and there are three books in that.

So got some reading coming up.

But this expansion is for 2022.

Like there is something going on there is a ride a train a flight to be on to become substantially more this year, like a lot of the spiritual people are calling it in, it's like hey, yeah, this, this growth experience this opportunity to become perhaps closer to who we really are.

And one of the keys is daily systems, also known as habits.

So have a look at your habits.

Where do you need to level up your habits? Where do you need to substantially level up your habits like me and 75 heart? If you haven't done 75 hard and you're you want to get into it, maybe it's the opportunity? Maybe go for it and go, You know what I'm going to do? I've been looking up particularly 45-minute training sessions on YouTube don't need much.

See, what you do need is a whole bunch of training, exercise clothes, I keep blowing through mine pretty quick.

But at the end of all of this Daily Execution of systems, or the habits, guess what a new result appears and some of this stuff doesn't happen immediately.

It's not the Pantene commercial doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen.

And that is the benefit of habitual execution of these daily systems.

de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de-DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE, and suddenly it starts to stack up.

particularly useful if you're tracking it.

It's seven bucks for the app, go grab the 75 hot apps.

It's on the App Store.

It's on Google Play Seven Bucks super powerful investment if you are looking to level up your body and very curious whether it will level up the other areas of your life.

I'm certainly going to be seeking that in mine.

Thanks for tuning in today as we continue this adventure this journey into the power systems that creates results.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode.

See you then.





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