Business's holy grail?

Sep 08, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I want to start off with the classic business book you most probably read this one, the E Myth revisited, the idea of systems is not new, it really isn't new, at least in 1986, this book was written.

And the original idea, as we have previously discussed comes from essentially McDonald's, McDonald's are the ones who cracked the code with the franchise system.

Up until that point, you had been able to license a brand and make your own version of that brand.

But they didn't sell the business.

And that's when McDonald's came along and said, Hey, we're not selling hamburgers, what we're selling is the business.

And in that became the idea of this is a business that runs on teenagers, essentially, how are we going to do that? Well, we're going to document everything, make it runs on systems, and everything's going to be awesome.

28,000 stores later, that's what happened.

And so this book writes about it.

So I was reading it this morning, and I want to share something out of this, the question you need to keep asking yourself is, how can I give my customer the results He wants systematically, rather than personally? Put another way? How can I create a business whose results are systems dependent, rather than people dependence? And that really is the breakthrough.

That's the mindset that happens for people eventually, presumably, usually, when everything's burning to the ground, they've ran out of time they've run out of money, nothing's working.

It's just like, ah, what am I doing wrong? And the problem is that people don't scale people are very difficult to manage.

And the solution is systems, particularly when you get to see that systems are built up by processes and processes can be managed processes can be documented, processes can be worked on and improved, and altered until they give you the result that you want.

I want to share a story with you I finished working with the client over the last five weeks, maybe five, we've had five sessions, it's taken more than five weeks, but one hour, 551 hour sessions.

And at the end of that, we're like, Okay, we've got one working system.

And it's like, yeah, you do, you actually have a system that you can deploy, and the details are there, the order is correct, the outcome is that it's for an onboarding system.

And the outcome is that sorry, it's not onboarding.

So hiring system, at the, at the end of the execution of that system, you will have hired a new team member.

And they're like, Man, this is excellent.

This is unreal.

Like this, this is cool.

Like, they've got everything in place.

They've got the templates, they've got the processes, they've got the tracking.

It's all done.

And I was like, you can't work on more systems until we get one working on now they've got one working one.

And so at the end of this session, the question was, well, can we have a system that builds more like this? And like, What do you mean? It's like, yeah, you know, like, Okay, this, this works, this works.

I want to do more of this.

Do you have way to build more systems? And am I? Are you talking about the Holy Grail? And they're like, What am I? Are you talking about the system that builds systems? And am I? Yeah, I think you are, I think you are there like what's the Why do you call it the Holy Grail, I might well, imagine that you had a way of building systems, whatever system you want, you had a systematic way a system of building that system, if you needed a system in marketing, you can build it if you need a system in sales, you can build that too.

If you need one.

In advertising, you can build that if you need one.

In fulfillment, you can build that if you need them.

In accounting, you can build systems for that if you need them in your tax game, you can build them for that.

You can build systems to buy flowers for your wife every third week.

You can do a systems to run your household if you have this methodology, this holy grail, this system that build systems, guess what? Suddenly you just need people to run the systems and you will get consistent results.

And your business will now be a business that is dependent on systems and not on people.

And ideally, you would have just like we built first up for my client today or over the last five years.

sessions, the hiring system.

Now that's in place, it's like, okay, great.

Let's go.

What's next? I'm like, okay, cool.

I'll send it to you, Senator as like that you actually did buy it.

When I, when I, when He came on board, I was like, I'll give you the magic board.

And I'll give you natural natural optics.

And I'll give you the Holy Grail.

And, of course, at the time, it wasn't really like, He didn't really appreciate what it was.

But now Now, it's like, oh, okay, I can see that this is a pretty cool thing.

I might Yeah.

But what's even interesting, more interesting is that I've already built a bunch of systems that are based on various Android books that you can buy.

And they basically take the information from those books and convert them into the recipe, the steps that are required to execute them.

This is seriously cool.

Like, this means that instead of buying a book, and not really doing anything with it, or maybe you're learning a bit of stuff, but nothing gets changed, nothing gets implemented, or you try and implement and nothing happens or it falls away.

The basically you can buy the book and deploy the system and implement it in your in your business.

And yes, you still have to check that it works.

And it does what it's meant to do in your business.

And you might have to adapt it a bit.

But overall, once you've got those two things, the system that creates systems and the system to install other people's systems, well, life gets fun.

It's like, okay, okay, let's, let's go to town, the efficiency of this stuff is so much more significantly greater that it's hard to believe not only the efficiency, but the accuracy.

That's really what you get when you deploy your life systematically, that you get work that's consistently done that with increased accuracy, that takes less time.

And it's not dependent on you.

If this is something that you're like, you know what that sounds okay? If you are a successful business owner looking to scale, if you're looking to grow, if you're looking to even have a week off without your entire business falling apart, then your next steps are to go to and go through the training at the end of that as an opportunity for us to meet a look at your situation and assess whether we're a good match to work together.

If we are we proceed from there and you begin with your first working system.

And then from there, I'll give you the Holy Grail.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's episode.

I certainly enjoyed making it for you, continuing into this journey of the power of systems to create results.

See you tomorrow.





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