A tale of two waitlists...

Jan 02, 2022

A Tale of Two whitelists weightless, like how important could weightless be.

But I want to share an interesting story.

In fact, both of these are stories.

Let's get that cleared that I have had no direct experience with either of these stories, but it's important.

It's important to get that clarified because this first story about a weightless was secondhand.

And it was from boxing day today I was hanging out with my mother.

And my mother was a physiotherapist.

And she described a situation of a public hospital that had a very long waitlist, the physiotherapy department long waitlists.

But the interesting thing was that there was not much work being done.

long waitlist, not much work.

What could be going on here? Well, it's very interesting.

She said that despite having a 30-bed ward with room to see 30 patients at once, there appeared to be not many patients, maybe two.

And she noticed that as the patient came in and said, got triaged, hey, what's going on? They said I got a sore neck.

I said, How long has it been in about six weeks, they said, great, it's not urgent.

That's chronic, we'll make an appointment for you.

The waitlist is long, we'll see you in six weeks.

Now, the interesting thing was that the patients that have showed up six weeks ago with their chronic conditions had an appointment for today.

And yet they did not show up.

And so there was an appointment booked that was full patients that will have been seen today were seen in six weeks.

And nobody showed up.

And you might think well, how could this happen? But this happens, because of an interesting thing.

You know, the government looks at the problem as a waitlist, they say, Look, this waitlist, it's so long, we got to do something about it, you must need more budget, you must need more money.

So we'll give you an increase in your budget so that you can resolve your waitlist.

And what they have done in that ease to reward a waitlist, so the waitlist will never get shorter.

Why because if they reduce their waitlist, the budget will go down and the government in their infinite wisdom will say, Oh, right, you are doing better you have less of a waitlist, we're going to give you less money.

So the outcome of this is very little getting done for a lot of money being spent.

Let's take a comparison to a second waitlist.

This is for a high-end hair salon, very high-end $5,000 for three hours of work.

Like whoa, who would pay that much money will many people would pay that much money.

Because there is so much value.

Why is this so much value, you see that experience is part of who they are to how they live.

It is a belief system within themselves that they are worthy of that and that $5,000 is not much for them.

There are many very wealthy people where you know, $5,000 on a hair experience, minimal.

It's not much.

The whitelist for this is apparently also very long and could be extended quite happily.

It could also be reduced by seeing more of the people on the waitlist.

That entire experience is booked out for the entire year 2022 booked out why because the people that come every six weeks, and they booked out every session for the entire year.

So unless they stop, one of them stops coming and one spot opens up.

There will be no relaxation, no reduction at all on the waitlist, and said the waitlist will just get bigger.

And should it happen that someone chose to leave the area? Or perhaps they died or perhaps they had something else happen in their life.

They lost all their money, there was some kind of catastrophe, there would be a long waiting list of people who would feel that instantly they'd say yes, thank you.

Thank you so much.

But notice that in that second experience, there is one great difference.

And that is that the person doing the work is paid vastly higher.

In the first experience, perhaps they might be paid 35 or $40 an hour for doing not very much.

In fact, they are doing very little.

And on the other side $2,000.

Now roughly if you include a tip How can this be? How can this be? Well, it is based around value.

There is no doubt about that.

It's about it's more than that.

It's about the optimization of systems.

You see both systems are optimized, but one is optimized for minimal work for maximum pay and one His work idea is his idea about maximum pay for maximum work.

Interesting, hey, interesting.

What the government in the first whitelist fails to understand is that if you track the wrong optics, you will get the wrong decisions.

This is what I want you to take out of these two stories.

What you track as optics is critical.

You see, both of these situations have weightless long waitlists that are unlikely to reduce anytime soon.

The difference, though, is that one will never get better, and the government is overpaying for people to do less and less.

And while they continue to judge payments, on waitlists, instead of work done or value created, they will continue to struggle with this.

But unfortunately, governments don't think in terms of value.

Why because they just get to take the money in taxes, they have no investment in actually earning that money.

All they do is take it and then spend it.

This is a very different experience than you and me, where I must earn the money in the first place, I must provide value in order to make a transaction value to you that my offer must present a solution to your problems that you're like, you know what, that is a great deal.


That's what people buy, they buy a great deal, or they buy

a solution to their painful problems.

And if you combine those two, then then you have a highly successful waitlist.

You have a long list of people waiting for a service so that they can get in this is documented beautifully.

In $100 million offers by Alex Tomasi.

I'd highly recommend that book.

If you have not got that book, you should go and get that book.

If you're in business.

This defines a value proposition that is second to none.

I have not seen anything like it.

It's like, Oh, wow.

How can somebody charge $5,000? Why? Because the value proposition is so high, that still represents an extremely good purchase for that right person.

This is not for everyone.

There's no doubt about that.

But for the right person, it is an extremely valuable offer for them to purchase and consume and be happy.

So my question for you is, what optics are you focused on? And are they telling you the right data so you can make better decisions? Take these two waitlists one long waitlist, wrong decision, one long waitlist, the right decision.

The same metric, it just depends on what the decision is that must be made.

Pay attention to what you're tracking what optics you are looking at, and are they serving the decisions that need to be made for you to make more money in business and have a better quality of life and enjoy all that life has for someone like yourself? All right, that's all I got for you tonight.

I hope you're having a great day.

It's Boxing Day here in Australia.

Heading into an interesting time it's hot fury over in the northern hemisphere then of course will be cold but it is hot.

The steamy sun is just setting right around 8:30 pm So a beautiful night here.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power system to create results.

Look forward to seeing you next time.

See you then.





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