A day of temptation not to start?

Jan 10, 2022

A day of temptation, a day of temptation not start.

Yesterday, we looked at that system of 75 hog, currently very popular on the internet, completely failed, didn't completely fail.

Just the three of the things yesterday today, I was like, You know what, I'm going to go for it.

And as I stand here or sit here now, I can tell you, my legs are sore, like, hurting.

And it's day one.

I'm like, oh, man, oh, man, this says, this is an interesting experience.

What's different yesterday? Well, first of all, the first workout was early in the day, 45 minutes on the clock.

And then one of the more difficult challenges drinking this gallon of water, like it is a large amount of water.

Now, I add salt.

And I also chucked in a bit of lime, which was really good, like fresh lime, just to balance out that amount of water.

So as it stands, though, day one is underway.

And it was an interesting day because there was beer in the fridge.

My Whoa, hang on, um, I'm not going to drink for the next 75 days, that view is going to sit there unless somebody else drinks it, of course.

And I'm not going to drink it.

My Okay.


What was even better was my we have some people staying on our property at the moment, and it was their daughter's birthday.

And so up comes this amazing, amazing chocolate cake, like a raspberry chocolate cake.

That was very, very tempting.

And of course, 75 hard says, Hey, beyond the diet, and my personal choice of diet is called metabolic precision.

It calls for six small meals a day, and it doesn't allow for Raspberry chocolate cake.

And I'm like, come on, come on.

What was most interesting was out in the run, so took the second workout as a run, and I'm running along and there's a red-bellied black snake, and it'd been run over and freak me out.

Like I took a massive sidestep, just to get past this thing.

And I was like, Whoa, red-bellied black.

That was the second time I've seen a red belly black in five years of living here.

The first time it was coiled up out in the macadamia farm, but this time had been run over and I was like, okay, not alive, which is good.

Then on the way back, check this out, and come back.

And then suddenly, this bad boy comes up.

And I'm like, Ah, totally freaked me out.

It doesn't look like much here.

It's a bit of old life, tubing or something like that, but at the moment, and hurt and badly.

And I'm like, I thought, Wow, this sucks.

This sucks.

What is this thing?

So the temptation today was very strong, to put it off till tomorrow to start tomorrow.

But the problem is I'm faced with that same problem tomorrow, which could be put off and put off and put off.

And the thing that I'm thinking about is that the results also get pulled off delayed.

If I started tomorrow, then the results that I'm after, which I have seen from a number of people who've completed this 75 hot thing, then then they will also be delayed.

And I was thinking about this in terms of systems because a lot of businesses will put off the systemization the business either it's too hard, or they don't know what to do.

Or it can wait, there are too many fires.

And the Fire one is one of my favorite ones.

Because the solution to having fewer fires is to systemize.

But while those fires continue to burn, it's so tempting to deal with the fire.

Because it does take a little bit of time, it does take a little time for the systems to start to kick in.

Just like 75 part.

It's not like today, I'm now ripped and shredded.

That'd be awesome.

That'd be awesome.

If that happened just by the app, and suddenly I'm ripped.

But no, that's why people pay a lot of money for liposuction.

Because literally, you go in you get under the anesthetic, you come out you're skinny, and you're sore, I suppose for four weeks, but the result is virtually instantaneous.

And it takes no effort.

75 hard not quite like that.


You know, the funny thing about systems is there's a bit of work at the beginning to understand but as the benefits continue, then it starts to be extremely apparent.

Just how much work can get done?

When you're not creating fire after fire after fire, or dealing with catastrophic situations as we've talked about in the episodes before.

All right.

I'm going to go to bed early tonight.

I know that I will be sore.

I've taken magnesium.

I've taken a bunch of stuff.

I'm going to start with stretching, I think tomorrow.

But I'm excited about this sort of journey.

Because it began today.

The work got started today and tomorrow, I wake up and the clock starts again, for those same things, but I'm looking forward to this.

The finish date is right around my wife's birthday, which is kind of cool.

As I was running today.

I was like, hang on, this is going to end right around my wife's birthday.

And I'm excited for that as a final reward, the final finish line for this adventure.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it, and to share more on adventure 75.

I look forward to seeing your next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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