3 fast ways to run your business on systems and double your profits.

Oct 24, 2021

Three fast ways to run your business on systems and double your profits.

Welcome to today's episode. My name is Tom Rolley.

It is a public holiday here in Australia, we are definitely heading into spring Daylight Savings times just kicked in.

So already it's 10 past for the sun's out, my wife said, Hey, let's go to the beach.

But before I do that, before we head to the beach, I want to share with you an interesting insight that I had.

And this is looking at the three things that you must have in place if you're looking to run your business on systems.

And in the early stages, this can be quite confusing.

If you're trying to run your business you like Man, we just need to get stuff done.

I'm just going to use whatever tools we've got.

And that's totally cool.

And you see the difficulty is though that those tools are not necessarily obvious what they're actually doing.

So why don't want to just what I wanted to share with you, as those three fast ways.

What are you going to need? Well, you're going to need somewhere to store your files.

So that might sound extraordinarily obvious, of course, you need a drive or a Dropbox or a box, but somewhere where you're going to put the work of your business and store it.

Hopefully, you have some kind of organizational strategy for this.

But even if you don't, you still need somewhere to put the files.

So that's the first thing, not very difficult, pretty easy to take care of.

Let's go into the second.

So the second is some way of tracking who's doing what also typically known as project management, but you do not need project management software in the early days, you can easily do this on Excel.

What Excel excels for you.

Yep, well, you can use sheets as well, Excel sheets will do it up until the time that you start really needing to scale and having separate logins for people so that they can track what's due, who's doing what, and all that sort of stuff.

That's when project management takes the skill sets that you learned in Excel and sheets, getting the work tracked, and you put into project management, now you have something that is actually valuable there.

So first up, we've got somewhere to keep your files.

Second, we've got somewhere to track your work.

And the third is some way of keeping your documentation.

Now usually this is going to be done once again with Google Docs or word at the early stages.

But as you expand and grow, then you're going to need to go to sop management software, standard operating procedures software.

Now this could be something like train your this could be something like process Street, this could be something like system hub, all of these will store your process documentation, it will also store all your templates for perhaps your web page copy or emails or text messages or messenger, all of those scripts that go in there.

So that is a another requirement for a business to scale.

Now you get all three of those in place.

And now you've got the structure that will allow you to rapidly scale.

And as you go ahead and you outgrow the basic software, Allah, Google Docs and Google Sheets or word in Excel, then you know what to expect to, okay, so you're going to take your excels that are managing who's doing what and take them into the project management system.

And you're going to take your documentation for your processes out of Google Docs and stick them into a system hub.

This will allow you to scale why because now you have everything.

in its right place, you have somewhere where the work that is produced is stored.

That's your online file service.

Now you've got somewhere where you track who's doing work.

That is your project management software.

And you have somewhere that tracks your systems and processes and templates.

And that is your SOP software.

How you put all of these together is critical.

It's easy to mess it up and see really easy to set up stuff that doesn't work that well.

But if you don't get this on point, then you will never scale you will run into a management overhead where everything slows down.

And in the early days, when you bring your team into these kinds of structures, you might have resistance.

They might kick up a stink and say hey, we don't want to track our work.

We don't want to use the instructions.

It's quicker.

If we don't track and we don't use the instructions, which is true until they make one mistake.

Now most likely they're not going to make one mistake there's going to be multiple mistakes, you're going to end up with quality control problems can have lead problems, sales problems, generally this is going to leave you telling people what to do This sucks.

This is no fun.

The overhead management, when you do not have all three of these in place will limit your capacity to double your profits to double your revenue to do anything.

My wife works for a fashion company, they, I don't remember what the exact numbers are 40 50 million.

I was like, Hey, if you want to run a business, then you're going to need these things in place.

And I ran her through them.

I'm like, hey, you need this file storage structure thing.

You need a project management thing.

And you need a Systems Operations processes software.

She's like, Yep, we got all of those interesting 40 50 million in revenue.

Do they have those things on point? Hell yeah, they do.

Could they have got to 40 or 50.

Without them highly unlikely, highly unlikely that you could actually hit those numbers.

Why? Because people don't scale, processes, scale systems scale.

And here are the three things that you must have in place if you want to double your revenue, double your profits, and start allowing your business to serve you and create the life that you want.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you enjoyed it.

I certainly enjoyed laying that out.

Just very clearly.

Here are the three things that you need if you want to scale if you want some help reach out to me at systemio.dev, hope you enjoyed today's episode, and I look forward to seeing on tomorrow's as we continue to explore the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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