1st day 75 hard... Fail.

Jan 09, 2022

The first day 75 hard, fail, fail by like, an impressive fail.

I gotta say, yesterday, I didn't even open the app today, at least to open the app, that's a big step forward, got to about 6 pm have not done the first 45-minute training at all.

And I've got a choice at that point, what am I going to do? But before we go there, do you even know what Tony's five heart is? You probably do.

If you're watching this, then you know if you know, go check it out.

It's called 75.

Hard for a reason.

I've never done it before.

It is literally impossible for me to do this right now.

I've never done it.

Yesterday, as I said, Did not the app today open the app? Sorry, that is Incorrect.


Yesterday, opening the app didn't do a damn thing.

Today, it gives me the option to restart and it really doesn't want me to restart.

It's like, Are you sure you have to type in start over in order to start over? I'm like, I didn't do anything yesterday.

Of course, I want to start over.

But it gave me a taste of what's going to come a day 22 day 44 day 68.

And have any hit that reset button.

It's like, oh, that's rough.

Today was about getting a small step forward.

incremental improvement off yesterday, nothing today.

10 pages of a book read.

Number 245 minutes down.

Number three took a photo.

There are three more to do.

No alcohol, I haven't drunk today.

So it'll be fine.

But it also says no cheat meals and kind of snacking on some chips and that kind of stuff.

Just just bad habits that I've got into second workout unlikely like I am.

I just can't see that happening.

Perhaps tomorrow.

The target for me is not to achieve seven on the first one today.

targets to get-go and start getting some failures, some failures, because slowly but surely, I'm going to start getting all of them down and then the momentum builds.

It's very interesting that it just starts straight into having to hit all six things off first day, the chances that people are going to be able to do that.

I mean, yes, some people, maybe you can do it.

Maybe you can just step straight into 45 minute walk workout.

45-minute workout.

drink a gallon of water.

Read 10 pages of a book, audiobooks don't count.

Stay on a diet.

no alcohol, no cheat meals.

Day one.

Most people are going to be like me, they're going to fail.

But I have been trained in this in this failure thing.

I got trained back in 2018 When I bought $100 Book $100 Book, you'll be kidding me.


100 old book was called Warrior Book.

And in that, there was described the system.

And back then it was just the book.

Here's the book Good luck, I created a spreadsheet.

And in that, you have to hit eight things a day, half a point each for four points.

It took me I believe around five months, six months to get all four points.

So hit all eight things in a day.

And then it took me about another three months from there to get my first week of all four points.

So 28 for the week.

And what was amazing was that there was an evolution of this program.

You can take it today actually if you head over to play a warrior.io 

You can take the warrior challenge 42-day challenge but what I learnt in that is how they did the escalation from nothing to hitting four was done beautifully.

It wasn't trying to get four off the bat instead it was like we're just going to get you to two points for four days in a row two points, two points, two points, two points, and then they added the next ones and they said okay, now you put your foundations on point now we want to go to four and what was happening was the people were getting to four points in day five.

It took me five months.

They were getting two a day five why? Because they didn't try and get all four at once.

They got a foundation a stepping stone to hear, to hear and it worked.

And it worked.

So that's why when I'm taking on 75 hearts today, I'm not particularly worried about not getting all of the points.

Why? Because tomorrow, I show up.

And I'm going to get the water, as well as the 45 minutes long, as well as the 10.

And the no alcohol and no cheat meals, and that'll get me a chunk forward.

And maybe it's just hanging out there for a while, start getting some reps at that.

Now, this is not quite as hard as it may be.

Why? Because I've been living core four, or warriors way for some time.

It already includes a discover stack on some kind of business reading every day.

Is it specified to be 10 pages? No, it's not.

It's specified to read to Revelation, read till I get a revelation, and then stuck with that and go, Okay, how does this apply to my business? Nevertheless, the habit is there.

So what does all this got to do with business? What's this got to do with systems? Well, that's a very interesting question, because, to me, it is almost impossible that you will start building systems perfectly from day one.

It's highly unlikely.

systems take a while to get a feel for what are the processes where do the templates go? How to build them how to how to take out a lot of the manus and just get them to flows like oh, yeah, to do tu tu, tu tu.

I must be up around, I don't know, 4040 Odd systems.

Doesn't sound that impressive 40 systems.

But in building 40 systems, I'm like, Okay, I know how to build systems.

And the only way that I got there was failing and failing and failing and failing and failing and failing and Neven now I know that when I build my first attempted a system, it will fail.

It's it will most likely not give me the results that I want.

But as I loop even that first time I'm like, okay, adjust here, adjust here, adjust here, this needs to move here, this needs to move here.

But when you're beginning with systems, you might just want to make one change so that you can see the impact on the results.

So you can learn how that one change impacts particularly if it's early in the system.

And the system has a lot of sequential steps.

Not all systems do.

Some systems will have a process that completes a process that completes the process that completes and they're all relatively independent, but they are all required for that system to execute others will be dependent process one leads to process two leaves the process three if you make a change of process three, the end changes will not be anywhere near as significant as if you made the change process why? And you may need some experimentation, getting some reps getting some failures, and not beating yourself up and go Okay, hang on this is expected.

This is expected.

The cool thing is you can start with documenting what's due to be done right now.

In your business.

Just step by step by step even very high level, I would stay high level.

If you haven't built systems much before stay at the big picture.

You can get really lost in click here and right-clicking here and making videos.

This is not where you need to start you need to start and get a feel for how systems work.

How does process process process give you result in one, two, and three? How do you execute a system? How do you trigger a system and as you start to get repetitions, you begin to see that systems are playing out all the time what is going wrong is that people don't execute the systems accurately every time they're relying on their memory.

And so anytime that a system is executed daily, that's fine.

Why because it's fresh, it's ingrained.

But as you come to a system that is three weeks since it last ran or six weeks or 12 weeks we just hit the quarter I've got a bunch of systems that need to run for the quarter couple even for the year speakers one of my to say hey, we need to reset a bunch of the tracking spreadsheets for the new year is like yeah, I got it.

Like a sweet man.

This system stuff makes a difference as we have discussed before, not only in running things more effectively, to do things quicker, but also to get the same result time after time, which means you don't have to deal with as many problems and limits catastrophic events.

But you got to be okay with learning.

And you got to be okay with failure.

And if you are, then you will know that you will get better each time that you execute a system, each time that you build a system.

And slowly but surely, in a relatively short period of time, you will transform your life.

If you want to check this out, go look at the before and after.

For 75 heart, it's pretty clear that executing a system on the daily called 75 Hard leads to results in people's bodies.

And the funny thing is 75 heart isn't even pitched as a body transformation.

It's pitched as a mental transformation.

And we'll talk about this as I go through the experience with you.

The mental transformation of seeing a system that is 275 hard six things, first, 45 minute execution, second 45-minute execution of physical training, drink a gallon of water, read 10 pages, stay to some kind of diet, no alcohol or cheat meals 75 days in a row.

If you miss any of that six-start again, this is training on a daily system.

And the results of this system do not show up on day one or day two or even day 10.

But they definitely do at day 75.

So we can see the daily outcome of those things being executed.

But we can also see the long term benefits, the long term changes that come from a system that's executed daily over and over and over and over and over.

This is the great gift of Wake Up Warrior on the daily if it happens to end in the day, it's a day that we do it.

And this builds a habit it eliminates the risk of a day off of a cheat day.

And show us you get good at it, you may find that occasionally, you don't hit all four or occasionally you don't hit all six or 75 hard but you've at least got to have this momentum to carry you through.

So we're going to have an experience with this.

I'm I don't know when I'm going to hit my first-day burger attract that with you.

And we're going to talk about the execution of this system.

The six processes or it could even be one process with six more substances however you want to define it doesn't really matter.

It's more of what works.

But we will see how a system creates results.

Looking forward to going on this journey for myself.

Look I got you to see the shots as they come through on Instagram like Well, dude, pot belly, I might Yeah, no.

Time for that to die time for that to go.

So thanks for joining me on today's first day of failure.

And we will see how this plays out.

Thanks for joining me.

In today's episode.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode.

Finding like that, hey, tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems great results.

See you then.





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