Episode 3: Revealing the Silent Struggle - Stress in the Workplace

  1. In this episode of "The Visible Workplace," hosts Tom and Annabel delve into workplace stress. Annabel shares personal experiences, from her professional golfing days to her current role as a psychologist, discussing the diverse nature of stress across different professions. The episode explores the impact of stress on performance, decision-making, and overall well-being, emphasising the need for effective coping mechanisms.
  2. This episode addresses the pervasive issue of stress in professional settings. Annabel and Tom engage in a candid conversation about the varying forms of stress, its potential impact on productivity, and the prevalence of maladaptive coping strategies like "quiet quitting." 
  3. Tom and Annabel discuss the challenges individuals face, from high-pressure environments like live television to the subtler stresses of an average office job. The hosts also advocate for a shift in workplace culture, encouraging practices such as meditation and breaks to foster a healthier, more supportive environment.