List Offer Magic

Effortless Strategies and Templates Inside!
Discover theĀ Proven FormulaĀ for Delivering Irresistible OffersĀ to Your List Every Time!

Get List Offer Magic
$250 - One Time Payment

Inside List Offer Magic you get:

  • Magic Boards for List Offer Magic - $800
    • Mission Control - List Offer
    • Create Offer
    • Create List Offer Pages and Emails
    • Create Advertising Email Copy
    • Build List Offer Workshop Funnel
    • Deploy Email Advertising
  • List Offer Magic Recording - $100
    • Full Workshop Recording of List Offer Magic
  • Workshop Transcript For Fast Review and Access - $50Ā 

Exactly what you get:

  • 6x Magic Board Excel downloads for each of the List Offer Magic Components.
  • Processes and Template downloads for each of the List Offer Magic.
    • Mission Control does not require any processes or templates.
  • Watch the full workshop video on the page.
  • Download the workshop transcript.

Bonuses Today

  • Structure the Stronghold - $250
    • Rapidly structure your online drive for quick and easy filing and access.
    • Know exactly where everything goes.
  • Building Magic Boards - $500

Total Value: $1700 $250

Get List Offer Magic
$250 - One Time Payment

100% Lifetime Guarantee

If you do not get value from this training and templates you can claim a full refund at any time for any reason. Simply email your receipt and you will be refunded inside 3 working days.

List Offer Magic

Effortless Strategies and Templates Inside!
Discover theĀ Proven FormulaĀ for Delivering Irresistible OffersĀ to Your List Every Time!

Get List Offer Magic
$250 - One Time Payment

Inside List Offer Magic you get:

  • Magic Boards for List Offer Magic - $800
    • Mission Control - List Offer
    • Create Offer
    • Create List Offer Pages and Emails
    • Create Advertising Email Copy
    • Build List Offer Workshop Funnel
    • Deploy Email Advertising
  • List Offer Magic Recording - $100
    • Full Workshop Recording of List Offer Magic
  • Workshop Transcript For Fast Review and Access - $50Ā 

Exactly what you get:

  • 6x Magic Board Excel downloads for each of the List Offer Magic Components.
  • Processes and Template downloads for each of the List Offer Magic.
    • Mission Control does not require any processes or templates.
  • Watch the full workshop video on the page.
  • Download the workshop transcript.

Bonuses Today

  • Structure the Stronghold - $250
    • Rapidly structure your online drive for quick and easy filing and access.
    • Know exactly where everything goes.
  • Building Magic Boards - $500

Total Value: $1700 $250

Get List Offer Magic
$250 - One Time Payment

100% Lifetime Guarantee

If you do not get value from this training and templates you can claim a full refund at any time for any reason. Simply email your receipt and you will be refunded inside 3 working days.